For much of my life, the words “What is wrong with me,” were an annoying earworm, stuck in an endless loop in my brain. A daily performance danced in the gray matter between my ears, […]

I’m a Fool for Christ. Whose Fool are you?

The late leader of the Vineyard movement, John Wimber, told of seeing a man walking around his town wearing a sandwich sign which said, “I’m a fool for Christ. Whose fool are you?” At first, […]

Trip / Viajar (Bilingual)

While I’m getting ready for my upcoming trip, I suddenly thought that whether you are a planner or not, there is one thing you MUST have for your trip, plane tickets. Even though, you don’t […]

Strong Roots

There is a park that I pass on my way to work. It’s slowly lost trees over the years. With each storm, we look to see what damage has appeared… We had a storm the […]

This Beautiful Day

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you Lord for joy, laughter, silliness and release this day. Thank you Lord for mercy, healing, breath and dreams this day. Thank you Lord for grace, insight, kindness […]

The Next Big Thing …

It was 5:45 A.M. Arizona time. I was just starting to stir before my alarm was scheduled to go off at 6:01.  Right on cue, the music blasted through the clock and a woman reported […]

Living in the Right Now

Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. […]

Feel Better/Sientete mejor (Bilingual)

We as women get so busy that there is not enough time for sleeping, to rest, or just to relax. We have such a long week of chores, work, family, etc., and at the same […]

A Woman of God

I pray often for God to “cover my mouth”. There are things that just should remain thoughts and even more thoughts that should be “taken captive to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)”. […]