More Than Meets the Eye!

 Has anybody tried to “transform” a Transformer toy? My son, Luke, loves Transformers even though he has never seen the movie.  He asked for Transformer toys for his 6th birthday and got quite a few of them.  They are much more difficult than they look to “transform.” (This means transforming them from things like vehicles and planes into robots by doing a series of twists and turns and manipulations on a small plastic figure while looking at an instruction sheet with pictures too small to decipher and constantly wondering if you are going to break the toy in the process.)  The toy boxes say “5-years and older.”  I am 48 and I still can’t figure out how to transform most of them.  This has led to much frustration for both of us.

Luke even got underwear for a gift which has the Transformer logo and words to part of the song on them, “Transformers…More than Meets the Eye.”

He asked, “What does, ‘more than meets the eye’ mean?”

I tried explaining it in various ways.  “It is more than you bargained for; it is not what you first expected.  When you first saw it, it did not look as powerful as it really was.”

 After this, Luke said, “What does ‘more than meets the eye’ mean?”

So much for my explanation.

Well, I think all of us meet people and situations which turn out to be “more than meets the eye.”  It may be someone who “underwhelms us upon first meeting them and they turn out to be amazing.  Or it might be someone who after knowing them for a season, deceives us or disappoints us by their behavior.  The experience is truly more than we bargained for or expected.  It is “more than meets the eye.”

 In situations like these, we need God to intervene.  I pray when life gives you something that is “more than meets the eye,” you will find God’s grace, wisdom and intervention.  May God help us to constantly focus on Him for whatever is “more than meets the eye.”

 (And, since I’m asking, may He give me incredible ability to see in 3-D and correctly transform toys)

 Please share your story with us!



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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