Your Name on God’s Hands

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands …  Isaiah 49:16 (NIV)

As a sign of her undying love and faithfulness, a certain celebrity permanently tattooed the name of her beloved on her arm.   This act of affection was “permanent” until she and the love of her life broke up.  Then the tattoo was removed and another’s name tattooed in its place.  So much for everlasting love!

Unfaithfulness abounds, and the world is littered with broken hearts and shattered dreams left in the wake of deceit and rejection.  Selfishness defines our society, which counts relationships as an expendable part of life.

 When someone we love turns away from us, we’re left wondering how a love that seemed so true, turned into such a lie.  And how did we not see it coming? Rejection spawns a downward spiral into grief and despair, filled with more lies that we are worthless and unlovable.  It’s a dangerous cycle in which many find themselves.

 At the depth of our pain, in the darkest moment of the night, God speaks words of truth into our hearts:  “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 NIV).

Though others may forget their promises to us, God will not.  To make sure we know He’s serious, God made two eternally permanent marks of His faithful love.  First, in Isaiah 49:16 God tells us, “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”

 Get that!  We’re not written in a Sharpie marker, not a semi-permanent henna tattoo that washes off in a week, not even a “permanent” full color tattoo that can be removed.  But God has engraved us on His palm.  That’s a mark that can’t be erased.

 Then, God made His second mark of faithfulness with the blood of Jesus.  Ephesians 2:13, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.”  The cross is our reminder of that love.

 Though many may fall around you, you are cherished and loved by the Almighty God.  Today He holds your sweet face in His hands, hands that are engraved with your name, and reminds you that He chose you and He will never turn away.

In His Love,


5 thoughts on “Your Name on God’s Hands”

  1. How wonderful it is know that my name is forever engraved in God’s heart! Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture about God’s love with us.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing that Glennis! I have been going through a long painful period. I think it started back in 1999 when I broke off my engagement with my boyfriend at the time. It was a very painful breakup that left me feeling unworthy and resentful. I’ve since been married almost 8yrs to a wonderful man of God but I still have carried this hurt and resentment in my heart. The problem? I don’t know how to get rid of it! I don’t know how to feel love like I have before (from God, my spouse, etc). I know its a downward spiral and I know that I need to fix this. But how? How do I accept love like that again? The funny thing is that I know God loves me unconditionally and I still love Him enough that I don’t completely walk away. Any words of advise/wisdom? Because I know that I need to change. I know that I need to be a loving wife and mommy which would make me a better person all around. :O) Thanks again for sharing!

  3. To Sarah – Thank you for sharing with such transparency and honesty. I’m confident that it’s only in being honest about the deepest pain in our lives that we can ever be healed. My guess is you probably even carry some guilt over feeling this way, given your current situation. As I read your words and prayed, I wondered if there is any unforgiveness still in your heart that might be keeping you from moving forward. If you were hurt deeply, it might take forgiving that person many times before you have peace and can accept true love. You are on the right path by being honest and asking for help. May God reveal His path for your healing.
    In His Love, Glynnis

  4. How beautiful it is, that I am engraved upon His palms – and, He is etched forever within my heart.

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