The Reluctant Gentleman

It seems like just yesterday, but in truth, it’s been 20 years. I was dropping my children off at elementary school when one of those teachable life moments presented itself. Pulling to the curb, I […]

Always Come Back to the Solid Place

Even when I don’t feel loved- I am still loved. That’s the solid place. Even when I truly fail- that love still exists. Even when I don’t want it- it’s still there. “…even when you […]

Do Not Say Everything You Think!

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. –Proverbs 12:18 I have been around people in many different environments: other countries, New York, watching people on the […]


     I’ve been thinking about the word reunion, lately.  My high school reunion is happening in May.  I always look forward to catching up on people’s lives, renewing friendships, and yes, seeing how people look.  […]

There may be sorrow now, but eternal Joy will one day come.

It seems like almost everyone I know is going through pain.  Sick family members, operations, a death in the family, my parents in Missouri have had no heat for too long during recent ice storms.  As […]

I KNOW What Love Is …

He’ll be 91 on his next birthday. His eyesight is diminished, his hearing selective. He moves like the old man that he is, yet he’s still got that occasional spark and sporadic burst of energy […]

We All Die

We All Die. It’s true. Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will […]