Today started out like any other day… We woke up late. I had 25 minutes to get my family out the door. This consisted of getting my 1-year-old dressed and ready, making sure my strong willed 4-year-old is dressed appropriately for Preschool, all without my morning coffee! With persistence and defiance, we finally make it to the car. Me with no make-up, messy bun, and just a hot mess in general. My daughter with messy hair because we didn’t have time to brush it. My youngest with a band aid on her forehead from where she fell off the bed and had to get stitches 2 days prior. We get to school with 3 minutes to get everyone out of the car and to her classroom before the door closes.
Have you ever had this morning?! I’m sure we all do from time to time… This day, I found myself comparing myself to those parents who looked put together. The ones laughing and smiling with their kids and kids obeying and laughing with their parents.
My morning was rushed and filled with so much yelling. This is not the type of mom I want to be or the type of mom I thought I would ever be! I was already beating myself up this morning for my behavior…
On my way home, I thought about why I was even comparing myself to the other parents. I realized, it wasn’t their appearance of being “put together” that started the comparison. It was the joy of them enjoying their time together.
The truth is, comparison will steal your joy. It will make you lose sight of the wonderful blessings you have. I am grateful for my strong-willed daughter. I am grateful I can take her to school every morning. I am grateful to have these moments that make memories. I could have made it a better morning for all of us if I came from a place of gratitude instead of resentment to get out of bed.
Everyone has struggles. Everyone has great days. We cannot compare our bad days to others good days. Therefore, comparison is something we need to give to God. On those “bad days”, instead of comparing, let’s find the good. Let’s not put so much focus on our burdens and more focus on our blessings. And most importantly, let’s find God’s goodness in each situation rather than wallowing in our struggles.
Love & Blessings, Heather
Great Perspective!