World Class Worrier

     World Class Worrier…I wish it said World Class Warrior.  Mental health is an area addressed in 50 Days of Transformation, and I knew I’d have to confront this one.   A few weeks ago, I woke up worrying about what would happen when all the water dried up on the earth!  Now that’s world class worrying!

     As if worrying about garden variety things such as finances, health, adult children, and an aging parent isn’t enough, I have to single-handly solve the global warming issue!  Crazy, right?

     All worrying isn’t bad, per se.  There’s the funny feeling that prompts you to go see the doctor.  Or, a sudden heart tug prompts you to pray for someone.  Perhaps a bit of worrying might be the motive spurring us to change or take control of those areas that we can, asking for God’s help. 

     Research finds there can be physical causes which underlie anxiety issues.  A lack of sleep, low thyroid, hormonal issues, and having adhd can prompt feelings of anxiety.  Certain mental health conditions or disorders may aggravate anxiety symptoms.  We can seek medical or mental health assistance to rule out or treat these causes.  Anxiety also increases cortisol levels…which in turn increases belly fat, and anxiety’s linked to dementia!

    I’ve been reminded again through sermon and small group study that God tells us to be “anxious for nothing” (Phillipians 4:6), and to take our thoughts captive (II Corinithians 10: 3-5).  When I sit and fret, overthink, or even work myself up into a lather over small things or even global drought, I’m not being obedient.  I confessed my anxiety in my small group and sought prayer.  What I learned is that I’m to be an active participant in this process of capturing my thoughts, confessing them, and giving them to God!  It’s not that we’re denying the circumstances but addressing them head on!

     Here’s the fix, based on sermon notes and small group study:

  1. Prayer and meditation
  2. Thankfulness in the situation and for the situation…maybe there’s a lesson or blessing to be had!
  3. Dwell on the truth. Even psychological studies have shown that most of the things we worry about never come true!
  4. Guard your heart. I love to watch the news, but it doesn’t mean I have to focus on all the negatives in the world. 
  5. Fight Satan and fight your fear! They are both deceptive. 

     Sometimes when I’m plagued with out of control anxiety, it’s because I’m focused on self.  When I turn my focus to others, I forget about myself.  Also, laughter is a powerful component.   Everything we worry about isn’t funny, certainly not.  But sometimes we do need to get that reality check about life’s ills.  Some laughter, a chat with a friend, a goofy t.v. show or movie, can cheer us up, give us some escape, and provide us with some needed perspective.  I want to be a World Class Warrior rather than a World Class Worrier, don’t you? 

3 thoughts on “World Class Worrier”

  1. So…an added bonus to focusing on God and taking thoughts captive is…less belly fat!
    I love it!

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