Uncluttering Your Soul

“Untangling yourself from the overscheduled, overwhelming web of your current life is not for the faint of heart. It’s honest, rigorous work.”

“Simplified living…requires uncluttering your soul.”

I recently read these statements made by Bill Hybels. He talked about examining the core issues we have which lure us into frenetic living.

Why do we often feel like frenetic living makes us a better Christian? What need does this fill?  Have we stopped lately to ask Jesus how we should be spending our time?  Our talents? Our quiet time?  (Do we have any quite time?)

Do I have any time to just “be”? to just “breathe”?

Too often I “DO” without asking Jesus what His Best for me is.

Time spent with Jesus helps us see what truly matters and what doesn’t.

Do you live at a frenetic pace? What keeps you doing that?  Can you ask God about that?

Aiming for a more uncluttered soul,


Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

3 thoughts on “Uncluttering Your Soul”

  1. Thanks Thora! Uncluttering my soul is my current goal, requiring centering prayer, and breathing in more Holy Spirit. Too often the “doing” for me is part of a deeper issue. It can stem from a lack of self worth which feeds a need to be “busy” thus “accomplishing.” This can result in “getting life” from anything other than the fact that I am worth Jesus dying for. What else could be of greater value?

    Great blog! Thank you!

    Christina Trifanoff

  2. Clear, simple, yet deep. Thanks for the challenge Thora. And thank you Christina for sharing your insights.

  3. In order to stay calm and in peace, we need to clean out our lives and unclutter it. Spending quiet time with Jesus is HUGE! Sometimes life does get in the way and sometimes things do get a bit crazy and out of control. Take a step back, take a deep breath in (God’s air in) and release (Satan’s air out). Works all the time! Be blessed Ladies!!

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