A Mother’s Reminder

Mother’s Day is just two days away.  I have a son who will soon be four years old and a daughter who just turned one.  I find myself thinking back on last year’s Mother’s Day.  I spent the day at home with my husband and two children…our newborn daughter had just come home from the hospital a few days before.  My due date was June 4, but she had been born about six weeks early and spent some time in the NICU.  I remember being amazed at all the mercy God had showered on us as well as the fact that I was holding the baby I had originally thought would still be in my belly on Mother’s Day.

 I’m glad I’ve been able to reflect on God’s blessings in my life in regards to parenting.  Lately I’ve been “in the trenches” as people call it – mothering young children.  So many times I find myself thinking so much about how I’m doing as a mom…either breathing a sigh of relief because things are going well or cringing because I think I’m not doing things as well as I would like to.  Remembering this time last year has brought me right back to where my focus should be:  on God. 

 Thank goodness we have a heavenly father who is gracious and kind, compassionate and loving to us…even when we are not lovable.  When I find that I am trying to do everything on my own, I am grateful of the reminder that I don’t have to.  All I have to do is ask and He is right there with me.  “The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.  The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”  Psalm 145:17-18

 Parenting is a gift and a huge responsibility that can be overwhelming.  But by God’s grace, I can be the Mom He created me to be.  What a wonderful gift from the only perfect parent!


One thought on “A Mother’s Reminder”

  1. Thanks Melissa!
    This time goes by so fast and I always struggle with feeling like I am doing the job as well as it should be done.

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