How to Experience Your Heart’s Desire…

How to Get Your Heart’s Desire…

 I was reading Psalm 37 the other day where it says,

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.”

So…..what I am thinking is this:  If what we delight in, is God, we will get our heart’s desires because we will be desiring the best thing:  God.

I hope this makes sense.  If we delight in God, we want more of Him.  We desire Him.  He becomes our desire.

I need to focus on what I get delight from.  Is my biggest area of delight God?  Time with God?  Resting in God?  Or is it in a chocolate chip cookie?  Or in things going my way?

It seems pretty simple.  But simple to understand does not mean something is easy to do.

I heard it said years ago, “You love what you give yourself to.”

I can confirm this is true.  I dearly love my children.  Part of this is because they are my kids.  Part of it is because I give myself to them.  I sacrifice for them.  I do love what I give myself to. 

This is probably true with addictions as well.  Although,  that would be a false love.

 God is worth delighting in.  God is our Heart’s desire!



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

One thought on “How to Experience Your Heart’s Desire…”

  1. So true Thora~ this is one of my favorite verses. As we delight in Him, the desires of our heart line up with His word! We don’t want to do anything against His will for our lives.

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