Who’s Got Your Back?

Today, November 11th is Veterans Day. The first official celebration using the term “Veterans Day” happened in Alabama in 1947.* The day originally was called Armistice Day and formally began in 1921 when an unknown […]

Track Star

Most people would agree that the internet has simplified our lives. We live in an age where we can order our dinner or groceries online and have them ready for immediate pickup or have them […]

You Are The God Who Saves Me

A family vacation had brought us to the beautiful Mammoth Mountain area and it was a great day for a hike. We decided to check out Rainbow Falls, an easy short hike from our campground. […]

Be a VERB!

For years I have witnessed to an extended family member about Christ, salvation and eternal life. My efforts are continually met with resistance, much eye-rolling and exaggerated negativity on her part.  No matter how many […]

Dream a Little Dream

My husband and I are hooked on a History Channel show called ALONE.  Alone is a hard-core survivalist show with 10 contestants, both men and women who compete to live in the wilds of uninhabited […]

It’s No Bother

Have you ever felt really silly for praying for something that might be considered too inconsequential to take to God? I know I have! I frequently pray for “silly stuff.” When it’s 110 ° outside, […]

Caution: Handle With Care!

For the past month I have become obsessed with a family of Robins who have made themselves at home, quite literally, on my front door. A steady stream of winged activity alerted me to the […]

Business As Usual …

It started like any other day. It was business as usual as people rushed to work, to school, to appointments and meetings. There was nothing much to alert the world that things were about to […]

A Prayer Posse “Boomie” Brigade

If you’ve been part of the Vineyard for any length of time, you know the importance the pastoral staff places on small groups. For the whole of the 17 years I’ve been at the Vineyard, […]

Little BIG Prayers

The other day I was walking my dog, talking to God and enjoying the lovely morning when I had an “AH-HA” moment. I was suddenly aware that my new shoes felt fabulous on my feet. […]