Growing Unevenly

Growing Unevenly      I’m a “budding” gardener.  I also like learning new trivia.  Recently, on a gardening blog, I learned that vines grow faster on one side than on another.  Why?  Hmm.  I decided to […]


Diamonds! They are one of God’s most beautiful and inspirational creations. Though they sparkle and shine bright diamonds don’t start out that way; however given enough pressure and time the stone becomes spectacular!!! It is […]

Pause to Remember

I read an article by Jennie Haskamp titled, “I’m a veteran and I hate ‘Happy Memorial Day.’ Here’s why.” Haskamp wrote that in her opinion, a somber holiday to remember those service members who have […]

Repent and Be Forgiven

We have all heard messages from Brian, our pastor, many times about repenting and forgiving. You’d think I would have this down by now. But God reminded me of a situation I thought was over […]

Stupid is as Stupid Does …

Many years ago my husband and I made a financial investment that we thought would eventually pay off in big dividends for us. At the time, we prayed about the investment and sought wise counsel. […]

What I Understand?

Mark Twain once remarked that it was not the things that he did not understand in the Bible that bothered him, it was the things that he did understand. Religion that God our Father accepts […]

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?                                                                      By Jodi Decker                 “Do You Believe?” is an action-packed PG-13 Christian movie (IMBD, 2015).  The plot :  “When a pastor is shaken by the visible faith of a street-corner preacher, he […]