Right Foot, Left foot…

Right Foot, Left Foot…we live life moving forward one step at a time. I recently listened to a talk by Jim Collins, the author of Built to Last and Good to Great. He spoke on […]

The Heat is On!

     If this were a facebook posting, I’d respond to “what’s on your mind?” with “the heat!”  Oh, my gosh!  117 degrees.  Really?  New record highs?   Seriously?  New record lows?  No way!  We left a […]

Life Comes At You Fast

“Life comes at you fast” was the slogan in a recent TV commercial. The speed of living our culture moves even for the most organized is blurry! It is easy to look away from God, […]

Encourage One Another!

Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. –1 Thessalonians 5:11 I was talking with a friend who told me, “I’ve listened to you teach, and here’s what […]

Pretty in Pink

Few things in life can produce such an instantaneous joyful reaction than the appearance of a pink bakery box. There’s something about that pink cardboard caddy that causes us to forego socially acceptable behavior as […]

Eat Your Veggies!

Eat Your Veggies!  Eat what is on your plate! Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. –Proverbs 15:17 All of us probably have many memories which involve […]

The Legacy of Grandmothers

The Legacy of Grandmothers      Grandmothers.  That’s what I’ve been thinking about, lately.  I don’t write from experience, but anticipation.  What is the spiritual influence and legacy of grandmothers?      When I think of my […]