The Heat is On!

     If this were a facebook posting, I’d respond to “what’s on your mind?” with “the heat!”  Oh, my gosh!  117 degrees.  Really?  New record highs?   Seriously?  New record lows?  No way!  We left a restaurant recently, and at 8 p.m., the temperature was still 112.  Enough!   A climatologist said this record heat was caused by a high pressure system.  Another recent news article found that this was the hottest average temperature for July, across the world!

     Who knows if these high temps are “global warming,” or man-made causes, or all a part of God’s plan, right?  We know from Bible history that God has used the weather elements to not only bring about His will, but to glorify His will:  rain, floods, hail, droughts, earthquakes, unceasing sun, blotting out the sun, and on a more promising note, rainbows.

     I’m not saying God’s sending Phoenicians a message, or punishing us for our wrong doings.  After all, we do live in a desert.  I do, however, believe we must be good stewards, no matter where we live.  That might mean restricting our water usage, planting drought-resistant plants, and finding creative ways to stay cool.  My friends who live in snow-bound states insist we have the better deal.  Certainly, we should be good stewards with our health, as well.  We need to remind ourselves to stay hydrated, avoid vigorous activity outside in the middle of the day, use sunblock as needed, and wear hats and sunglasses for protection.  Do those yearly skin cancer screenings, as recommended by your doctor. 

     In spite of my whining (this will continue until about the end of October), this heat also moves me toward even more compassion towards those who don’t have shelter or can sit in their air-conditioned houses and complain.  I continue to pass out ball caps to bare-headed homeless people on street corners, when I venture out…and ladies, more and more of them are women!  I try to remember to take cold water bottles, too.  I don’t know what put them in those circumstances, but I’m sure they’d trade places with me in a heartbeat.

     I thought it would be interesting to do a Bible search on the word heat.  Two verses fit the theme I’m trying to convey.  While we certainly can appreciate the properties of heat when the weather is cold, and we’re grateful for that comfort, God also shows us that He will provide relief, as well.  He cares about our physical state, and He understands our mental and emotional discomfort.

     Isaiah 49:10 They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down, for He who has compassion on them will lead them.  And will guide them to springs of water.”

     Revelation 7:16 They will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore; nor will the sun beat down on them, nor any heat.

   Dear Lord, thank-you for air-conditioning, and thank-you for understanding the condition of my whining heart.  Thank-you, too, for seasons.  Amen.

2 thoughts on “The Heat is On!”

  1. The days may be scorching, yet the irony is I take a jacket to work everyday! Our office is freezing due to the excellent air conditioning. We take breaks outside to thaw!

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