Business As Usual …

It started like any other day. It was business as usual as people rushed to work, to school, to appointments and meetings. There was nothing much to alert the world that things were about to […]

Whose Opinion matters?

Let’s face it.  When we were in school, it was our friends’ opinions that usually mattered most. As we age and grow in Christ, we can see more and more that it is what God […]

The JOY of the Lord is my Strength…

Happy September! We are one month closer to FALL weather and all things pumpkin! In AZ, this is big news and an absolute reason for JOY! Speaking of joy. I had a friend text me […]

My Fear Is Great. My God Is Greater.

  I am filled with anxiety these days. I’m anxious about things going on in my life, in my country, and in the world.  My racing thoughts and accelerated heart rate can at times distract […]

Mourning and Dancing

“We tend to stay away from Mourning and dancing.  Too afraid to cry, too shy to dance…While we live in a world subject to the evil one, we belong to God.  Let us mourn, and […]

John 3:17/Juan 3:17 (Bilingual)

Sometimes, in our poor judgment, we condemn others for whatever we think they did wrong. But more often, we condemn ourselves for something we did wrong. It happens to me often. Sometimes, I feel that […]

1,999 Versus The One

It took much longer than expected – nearly five weeks. I lost track of the number of times I wanted to quit and walk away. In the end though, I was victorious and very proud […]

Five Lies of Identity

I thought it was worth posting this from Henri Nowen, one of my favorite authors. The Five lies of identity: I am what I have. I am what I do. I am what other people […]

The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting

  Happy August! School is just about to start and all the mom’s said HALLELUJAH! Just kidding…. Kind of 😉 But truly, I hope that whatever season of life you are in that this summer […]

Reach out and Touch Someone

Back in the 13th century there was a German emperor named Frederick the Second who wanted to know what language children would speak if no one ever spoke to them.  He chose several newborns and […]