Happy October, friends! We made it! All of our summer sweating is about to pay off! I am so enjoying this weather right now, I am sure you are too. It seems like the word […]
Author: Nikki Quaid
The JOY of the Lord is my Strength…
Happy September! We are one month closer to FALL weather and all things pumpkin! In AZ, this is big news and an absolute reason for JOY! Speaking of joy. I had a friend text me […]
The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting
Happy August! School is just about to start and all the mom’s said HALLELUJAH! Just kidding…. Kind of 😉 But truly, I hope that whatever season of life you are in that this summer […]
Summertime Fruits of the Spirit
It is officially July and Summer is in full swing! What better time to talk about yummy fruit? Specifically, the fruits of the spirit. The fruits of the spirit have been on my heart a […]
Three Practical Ways to Turn our Hearts and Minds Towards Jesus this Christmas Season
“Jesus is the reason for the season!” We have all heard that kind of cliché but true statement a time or two, right? Maybe it is something we say or even believe but might forget […]
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 Such a wonderful verse that we sometimes have a hart time wrapping our minds […]
10 Affirmations for Women in Christ
Do you ever have days where you just need a good reminder? Or maybe a couple good reminders? When you just kind of lose track of your identify and what you’re really working towards. I […]
God’s Timing > Our Timing
I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately… TIMING. God’s timing. Why doesn’t it align with ours? Especially when we feel like we have been oh, so patient. Why do we pray for things and […]
Fear, You Don’t Own Me…
Fear is something that has played a part in my life for as long as I can remember. When I was little, I was really afraid of the dark. I needed a light at all […]
Overwhelmed. Something most women feel often. Work. Kids. Laundry. Meals (Our families must eat, I guess 😉). Time with friends. Spending time with family. Holidays. Grieving. We have so much that battles for our […]