Thermometer or thermostat

Are you a thermometer or are you a thermostat? Both devices deal with temperature, but their uses are different. A thermometer simply reflects the temperature, but a thermostat actually determines the temperature. A thermostat can be adjusted to the needs of the room.

I heard this analogy for the first time by Dr. Tim Elmore in the book “Habitudes.”  People are either thermometers or thermostats. We can merely reflect the emotional climate (a thermometer) around us or we can set the tone (a thermostat).  Too often we are thermometers.  We wear what others are wearing, say things others say and value what the current culture values.

As Christians, me need to move from being a thermometer to being a thermostat.  We need to be pace setters. We influence others in the way we live because of our values and principles.  God calls us to be authentic and that means we write our own stories with the Lord. We don’t just live out what the culture tells us to do. We live life with core values that others can see without us having to say a word.

Over the years, Brian and I have had people outside the church ask us for advice many times. I firmly believe it is because they saw us like a thermostat.

Bless you!


Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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