Resting on the To-do List

Every morning, I feel like I’m rushing out the door, slipping my sandals on my feet while shoving down my last bites of toast, hot coffee. My keys are in one hand, baby in the other. I’m going through the mental checklist with each kid, “Backpack? Water bottle? Lunch box? Shoes? Go get your shoes.” And then it doesn’t stop there.

It’s getting through finalizing this month’s budget before heading to the grocery store and making sure I’m back before having to get the first preschooler from school. Then it’s a fast lunch, a rush to throw in a crockpot dinner, squeezing in exercise when I can. You may know how it is. It’s how we function right? It’s how we get it all done. Because that’s what we can do, right? All things? Wrong.

We look around us and see power house women accomplishing every single thing they can in such short time, but where is the rest? Where do we wait? The more I’ve walked with Jesus, the more I’ve realized how important waiting on Him is.

While I know many of us have become quite good at crushing our daily tasks in a pinch of time, how much of that are we using to God’s glory? How much are we simply resting in our Creator? Because while the Bible tells us we can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13), it also instructs we “come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while (Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭31‬).”

Friends, I applaud you in all your wins. I will cheer you on while you conquer every obstacle and achieve all of your goals. But I encourage you to reflect each morning on how that to do list will glorify the Lord and where you will find rest in Him that day. Resting in Him brings more strength than we can ever do on our own.

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