Trusting God

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

This year, I can hardly wait to dust off the boxes of Christmas decorations and usher in the season of twinkling lights, frosted cookies, and warm sweaters. Although the holidays tend to come and go quickly, they always seems to be accompanied by a time of waiting. As a child, I would wait with hopeful anticipation for the magical morning after Santa’s visit. Now, the same feelings of hope and expectancy fill my heart as I navigate the current season of waiting in my life.

We faithfully await God’s blessing, the fulfillment of his promises. Perhaps some of us await deliverance from a particular adversity in our lives. It is in theses times of vulnerability and waiting that I am reminded to lift my eyes to the goodness and sovereignty of God.

The truth is, we usually do not understand His ways, but we do know that they are good. Christian author Jerry Bridges wrote, “God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom, He always knows what is best. And in His sovereignty, He has the power to bring it about.” This truth challenges me daily to embrace the discipline of waiting. It challenges me to shift my perspective to one that does not push against adversity, but leverages it to be something that will help transform me into the likeness of Christ. God has a beautiful way of using trying times to prune unholiness from our character, if we are willing to lean into Him with perseverance.

The quickly approaching Advent season reminds me to trust God’s goodness and faithfulness in the waiting times, in the uncertain times, in the difficult times. We can be comforted, even while we wait, that God will not waste the adversity we encounter, but that He will use it to produce character, endurance, wisdom, and maturity in our hearts. Living in such a fast-paced, instant-gratification oriented society, I wonder if it is now more important than ever to submit to the discipline of trusting God in the waiting times, and resting in the truth of His goodness and grace. With gratitude, we can fill our hearts with worship while we wait, and trust that His plan will surely work for our good and His glory.

Natalie Brown

6 thoughts on “Trusting God”

  1. Trusting God while I’m waiting sometimes reminds me of my impatience as a child waiting for things I wanted…

  2. I’m so blessed by your post! It reminds me of something Phil Strout said when he visited our church a couple months ago: “The Kingdom of God moves s-l-o-w-l-y.” I take comfort in knowing that He is at work, even when I wait.

  3. Thank you! Your message just confirms that my harvest is around the corner the more I trust in Him.

  4. Wow. What an encouraging message for those of us waiting for the transformations of our husbands. This message reminded me that God might be trying to transform me during this waiting process. Beautifully written! I have been feeling that maybe I should work on myself and not focus on the hubby so much. For some reason after I read this I feel excited to work on my own changes and I just want to praise God for all the good work he is doing in my family! Glory to God for this message today!

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