“First we do what we have to do; then we can do what we want to do.” Denzel Washington

“First we do what we have to do; then we do what we want to do.”

My children can quote this phrase which I read in an article about Denzel Washington and the fact that he used it with his kids. Hey, if it’s good enough for Denzel, then it’s good enough for me!

It is a great quote for teaching responsibility and delayed gratification.

My son, upon the first few times of hearing this statement, would incredulously say, “But I want to do what I want to do!” This of course, made perfect sense to a 4-year-old. Next, I would try to explain to him that we don’t always get to do what we want to do. That is not real life.  Life is not fair.  Life has consequences.

My kids are 13 now, and they roll their eyes when I start to say, “First we do what we have to do, and…” But, they know it is true.

This statement applies to so many areas of our lives.

First, do your homework. Then you can go play.

First you do the dishes. Then you can have dessert.

First, we eat some healthy food. Then, we can think about dessert.

First, we pay our bills. Then, we can look into that new TV.

First, you use your time wisely. Then, you can goof off.

First, spend time with God. Then, you will see fruit in your life when the tough times come.

First, do what you have to do! (What God would have you do!)

I can’t tell you how thankful I am when I choose to do first things first. It may seem difficult on the front end, but it pays off down the road.

Would anybody like to share a time when doing first things first, led to God’s blessing?



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on ““First we do what we have to do; then we can do what we want to do.” Denzel Washington”

  1. I can’t really think of a particular instance, Thora. But I know that applying this rule in our daily lives is like watering a good seed that eventually will bring good fruit. BTW, I use to tell my kids, “first we work and then we play.” And they also rolled their eyes every time I said it. HAHAHAHA!

  2. This makes me think of tithing. When I first became a Christian giving my first ten percent to the Lord seemed so difficult and impossible. Throughout the years, even during tough financial situations I’ve always had enough food to eat and a home to live in even when I thought it would be impossible to fund. The Lord always provided just enough, somehow.

    So financially, First we do what we have to do, because we love and trust the Lord and want to further his Kingdome here,, and then we do what we want to do.

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