Holiday Mash Up

Holiday Mash Up

     What’s a holiday mash up?  Happy Thanksgiving-Merry Christmas-Happy New Year!  How’s that for multi-tasking? 

     I’m thankful for a few personal blessings this year.  My oldest daughter is in the process of adopting a little boy, and we’re soon to be “instant” grandparents.  My youngest daughter just got a teaching job in Japan for this coming Spring.  My one and only son is completing his doctoral degree. 

     Each of these events has also influenced my Christmas shopping:  pajamas for a new grandson (shh!!), career clothing for my daughter traveling to Japan, gift cards for a very busy son.  So, that’s the connection between my Thanksgiving blessings and my Christmas gift list. 

      As for the Happy New Year’s part—my New Year’s resolution is as simple as scoring higher than 63% on Trivia Today.  Can’t I outsmart this game?  I’m not used to being a “D” student. 

     Hopefully all of you have more significant goals or resolutions for the coming year than I do.  If you haven’t thought that far, how about considering committing to Vineyard’s 50 Days of Transformation?  It’s said that it takes 30 days to solidify a new habit.  Imagine what could happen if you gave yourself 50 days to transform your life?

     From January 9th through March 6th, we at Vineyard are being asked to attend a small group which focuses on transformation.  There are seven transformative areas:  spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, financial, and vocational. 

     Here are some motivational considerations.  One, all the small groups (plus additional new ones!) will be going through this program together.  So, if you’re already in a small group, you can’t escape it!  Two, it’s free!  Imagine if you had to pay a life coach thousands of dollars to do this very same transformation with you.  Three, you have a built in support system.  How many of us have given up on our goals because we just didn’t have a buddy to do it with, hold us accountable, or even just wanted someone to brag to about our progress?  And finally, it’s just more fun to tackle things in groups.  We may struggle in different areas, and knowing someone else does, as well, or maybe has a success story we need to hear, can keep us motivated to make it a team effort. 

     Of course, while transformation can benefit us all personally, this program will transform our church, as well.  Is it possible that a church itself can become “complacent,” or even simply “content” with how things are?  Certainly.  This is how churches can become stagnant.  While familiarity can make us all feel comfortable, change can reinvigorate us.  I recently heard a celebrity say on t.v. that she stays young by constantly learning and growing and changing.  While I don’t necessarily need to take my cues from celebrities, the point is well-taken.  So, as you celebrate this Thanksgiving weekend, and you start your Christmas shopping, check off your New Year’s resolution, to commit to 50 Days of Transformation. 

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