The Good, Bad, and Ugly

When I was young I would think about being a good girl, the pressure to be what my parents needed was immense in my life. Yet, I still felt loved and safe amongst the chaos of my life. Now I realize that feeling was God gently holding me, his child whom he loved, just as he loves each of us.

Lately, I have been thinking about sin, not like “oh my gosh I wanna sin, or sin is bad,” but I have been thinking about how I have judged a persons sin as” bad” or “not so bad.” But God looks at sin the same, all sin is falling short of his plan and that’s it. Romans 3:23,” for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

So I began to thinking about judging another’s sin. Listen, I understand that sin stuff can make one recoil from another due to our own experiences with sin. I get it because a sin that is despised by many occurred to me as a kid I was sexually abused and let me say for years I was angry, sad and very disgusted by that type of sin, I was living a life of getting by emotionally and trying not to feel. But what I grew to realize is God loves those men that did that and if they ask for forgiveness, then, “rock on” for them, they are forgiven, so, I must forgive. It of course wasn’t that easy, but it was that real to my soul.

Today I can say I have forgiven due to Gods grace, mercy and love for me and those men. God is a God of judgment on HIS terms, and that is where the judgment should be, with him. As for me, I shall love the Lord with all my heart , all my mind because before I knew Jesus, I had no hope, and did not know forgiveness on His terms. I hope this is pleasing to him, but ya know what, tomorrow I’ll mess it up and that’s okay ,I’m just glad with Jesus I get a second chance always each day, each second and forever.

Denise Hsu



3 thoughts on “The Good, Bad, and Ugly”

  1. It takes courage to share that, but unfortunately not uncommon that it happens. I think you’ll find yourself drawn to help others who experience this type of abuse, and you’ll be able to provide compassion and understanding.

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