
Acts of Prayer!

I’ve used tons of different prayer models over the years.

In God’s eyes, I don’t think there is any bad way to pray. As Christ-followers, we have been given access to God our creator. When it comes to prayer, God has given us an open door to pray in any and all ways possible.

Years ago, I learned a great model for praying that I still find myself going back to many times. I still often use it as a guide.   Prayer leads us into deeper relationship with God.  This prayer model is called A.C.T.S.

I hope you too, will find it helpful in your own prayer life.

Adoration — All prayer should include worship. You might begin with the phrase, “I love You, God, because You are…” The goal is to focus on an attribute of God. “Praise Him for who He is, not what He does,” I remind myself. We can always find words of adoration in the Psalms. Sometimes I go through the alphabet and tell God He is…Amazing, Bountiful, Courageous, Deliverer…..etc.

Confession — We need to remember that we are broken and need healing. Take time in prayer to say, “Lord, please forgive me for…” Be as specific as possible. Think back over the day or week to a time when you did wrong or were disobedient. Confession keeps us humble before God.

Thanksgiving – Teach yourself this important aspect of prayer: thanking God! You can thank God for the good things that have happened during the day, for special people in your life, for things you see in nature, etc.

Supplication — This is what we most often do during prayer, asking God for “things.” Divide this category into two parts: praying for others and praying for yourself.

I hope this is an idea you can use



(P.S.  Obviously, sometimes I do not have time to get all of this covered in one sitting.)

Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on “A.C.T.S.”

  1. Thanks Thora, love this! I love your comment that there isn’t a bad way to pray (even though I think the enemy tries to tell us differently). I like the idea of praying with your ACTS in mind as it immediately makes our prayer time about the goodness of God rather than just praying for the things we want.

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