Tests Along the Way

The other day, I got so frustrated at a series of things my daughter did.  If that situation was a test, I’m don’t think I got a very good grade.

During our Christian Walk, we often encounter events or situations which test us.  They try our patience.  They distract us.  They make us mad or sad or frustrated.  They are great learning experiences as long as we don’t keep failing them.

Here are examples of a few tests you might encounter:

  1.  The test of small things:  This test comes when we are asked to do something beneath our talent or potential.  Someone asks us to help clean up after an event and we think we should have been asked to help plan the event.  This test shows our heart and how faithful we are to commitments and whether we are ready for greater opportunities.
  2. The test of time:   This test if two-fold.   First, it reveals the quality of our work—will it stand over time?  Second, it reveals our ability to seize opportunities when they come our way.  It may take a long time for the opportunity to come.  How is our heart in the mean time?
  3. The Authority test:  This test comes to reveal our attitude and willing submission to positional authority, even when we disagree.  Before we can be good leaders, we must learn to be good followers.
  4. The Stewardship test:  This test comes to demonstrate how wise and generously we are handling the resources we have been given.  Often we wish we had more or different resources.  The real test is to use what we have.
  5. The Offense test:  This test examines how we act when we become offended.  Everyone’s vulnerable, but leaders are more likely to get criticized since they are up front, so to speak.  The test is about how quickly we forgive others.

What other tests have you encountered recently?


Blessings on the testing,


Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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