
“[To have Faith in Christ] means, of course, trying to do all that He says. There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. Thus if you have really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you.” –C.S. Lewis

I came across this and I had to stop to re-read it a few times.

I have been feeling kind of lost in my daily life. Kind of stuck in a way. It seemed like I just kept not doing the things that I wanted to do and the things that needed to be done (laundry, dishes, cleaning, dinner) you know that part of our daily lives that should just happen for us woman…sigh….were these huge battles within myself. I felt like a horrible wife, mother, and person because I was/do struggle with the mundane parts of my life. I have always had this perspective that there will be a day when I can afford to have someone else do these thing for me, Ha!

See I didn’t come from a family where such skills were taught to me. My mom was a single mother, whom felt bad for having to work two jobs and just really not being the parent that she thought she should. To make up for what she perceived, she required nothing from me. I never had to earn a toy or treat of any kind, and actually never had to take out the trash or wash a dish or clean my room. That is until I was on my own. I’m sure you can only imagine what my first apartment looked like….

I want to tell this part of the story of course so you can have some context for why this part of my life is such a struggle for me, also because I am vain enough that I don’t want you to think that I am just lazy. Though I am sure that laziness plays a part of it also. My point to all of this is that when I look back over the last twelve years I HAVE GOTTEN BETTER! I house is not as clean as I would like it and I am not able to be an extreme couponer. Often times I am rushing to do essential laundry late at night or early in the morning, and I can’t even tell you the last time I actually dusted. But…and I mean BUT I have gotten steadily better. There is quite a drastic improvement from year to year.

See this is why that quote really meant something to me. It reminded me that even though I usually don’t realize that I am growing and changing that God is working inside of me. That I can’t earn the changes that happen they just do. We grow and change, often times this is not something that can be measured or noticed until it is reflected upon.

God is working within all of us. He is changing us and helping us to overcome the obstacles that appear in our lives. We are meant for greatness. The devil uses the things in our lives that we wish were different against us. The funny part is that they are usually things that God is working a change in us. But if the devil can get us so wrapped up in ourselves and how we fall short, he wins. If he can get us depressed and down hearted about ourselves that we forget what really matters, he wins.

What brings true joy and fulfillment?

What makes our lives worth living and filled with greatness?

Focusing and investing in others!

There is not one thing to worry about when we are focused upon that task. We can rest in complete contentment in the fact that the first faint gleam of Heaven that is already inside us will guide us and continue to grow. Everything within our own lives will be taken care of far better than we could have ever hoped to accomplish by devoting all of our energy inward.

Reflect upon the things that are bothering you right now and you might be surprised to find that it is a spiritual attack to get you distracted from the road that you are on. You might even find that God has been working in that area and you have moved farther along than you realized.  We all have that gleam of heaven in us that is guiding us and begging to be shared. Do so!

Jenny Hinsley



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