Aging Gracefully

“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31 (NIV)

These past few months we have had our elderly uncle (my husband’s uncle) living with us. It has been such a gift for our family to have a multi-generational household. I’ve always wondered what it was really like to have elders in the house. In the days of Christ, most families lived together by adjoining their houses and having a common courtyard area, however, today it is much different. What has been a timely blessing for our family is that our uncle has taught my boys how to change a bike tire, fix the kitchen cabinets, and he’s even chased all three of my kids around the house in play.

His leathery face is stricken with character as he shares his views on the world today, and let me tell you, he doesn’t hold any punches either. Ha! Thankfully he is kind and generous with praise as well. He has praised good character, and he has lovingly pointed out not-so-good character. One thing he has honored us with is his willingness to call things what they are, and I have appreciated that.

During his stay, my children have learned an immeasurably valuable lesson: Our elders are full of wisdom. Wisdom is attained through Christ just as Proverbs 16:31 says. I’ve also taught my children that it is wise to learn from other peoples’ mistakes because as my dad says, “You might as well learn from everyone’s mistakes because you can’t make them all.”

Our uncle has even pointed out his own past mistakes, which sadly, still haunt him to this day. It has been another teaching moment for my children that Jesus forgives, and we should also forgive others, as well as ourselves, just as He forgave us. The Word of God reads that we are to, “make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Col. 3:13 (NLT) They see the pain that remains in his old, aged eyes when he speaks of such things. They see how never letting go of a wrong can make a heart weary, and I appreciate his openness for them to learn this lesson as well.

I know age comes just like the sun rises. However, we can age gracefully, and I’m NOT talking about Oil of Olay here. Col. 3:13 shows me how to forgive others because it’s not really my place to hold a grievance against another person in the first place. I have learned it puts me in the Judgement Seat, and as we all know, only my Lord God belongs there. I pray that through Jesus, our uncle will learn to forgive. I also pray that Jesus would bless you as you are reading this with the ability to forgive as we can all learn from others’ mistakes.

Love, Amanda



3 thoughts on “Aging Gracefully”

  1. I really miss my Grandparents and older friends who are so valuable to me and my children. What a blessing to have that rich heritage for your children! They will pass on the same respect and honor you give your Uncle to their children! How wonderful!

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