Deep Sea Diving with God

I read this quote the other day,

“God is the ocean.  Do I want to water ski or go deep sea diving?”

There is a lot to think on in that small quote.

Too often, we skim.  We are in a hurry.  We read the Bible without even digesting what it says.

We say perfunctory prayers.  We tell someone we will pray for them and basically forget to do it except for one fleeting sentence.

I don’t want to skim.  I want to deep sea dive with God.  My heart’s desire really is to go deeper.

What I’m asking myself is what are the things I need to put into place in order for me to do that?

What distractions do I need to take care of?

Do I need to watch as much TV as I do?

Do I need to eat all the meals I eat?

Do I have to live life in a hurry?

Can I choose to be “present” when I am with someone?

Where am I skimming?

Where am I skiing where I should be deep sea diving?

Food for thought and depth.




Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

6 thoughts on “Deep Sea Diving with God”

  1. I also want to be a “Deep Sea Diver”. Thanks so much for these practical and very helpful reminders. We sometimes lose part of our focus and need to be reminded .

  2. I want to also. Can you imagine when you go deep sea diving all the beautiful and unimaginable creatures and amazing things you will see and encounter deep deep down. Then we can share the amazing beauty with others. Thanks Thora for that vision

  3. This also brings to mind the peace and near silence that envelopes as you go deeper. The release of gravity and the pressure that surrounds and uplifts. This took me on a lovely journey.

  4. I too long to go deep. I have these seasons (periods, moments really if I were to be honest) when I do & it is so amazing & am sure I will never forget the lesson & I so desire to stay there but then float (to keep the same analogy) to the top & become surface-y with God & others again. Ah, to drown in His presence…beautiful imagery ladies.

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