Thankful for the Small Things…

Be Thankful for the Small Things

Too often I am looking for BIG THINGS to happen.  Great  things.  Amazing things.  What I sometimes overlook are the little things that happen all around me that I take for granted!

I’m thankful for coffee in the morning.

I am thankful for the smell of Cinnabon in the mall.

I’m thankful for my husband and children.  (This is in no way a small thing, but I do think I take it for granted too often.)

I am thankful for that person who called me back.

I am thankful for gorgeous weather that brings out neighbors at night.

I am thankful my kids can dress themselves and feed themselves.

I am thankful for that person who opened the door for me.

I am thankful for peanut butter and ice cream…and real butter.

I am thankful for my Mom’s peach pie.

I am thankful for elastic waste pants.

I am thankful… that I could go on and on about things I am thankful for.

What are some things you are thankful for today?

Giving Thanks,


Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

4 thoughts on “Thankful for the Small Things…”

  1. I am thankful for my job
    I am thankful for the children God gave me
    I am thankful God keeps us where we He can use us most
    I am thankful for all my volunteers

  2. I’m thankful for God’s favor, for His healing hand, for coffee :), for all 5 senses, for the ability to hear God’s voice, for His beautiful creation (particularly plants and animals), for all His provision, for His word that is true despite how things may appear, and of course for VCNP/Brian & Thora. Thank you both for being a blessing to many!

  3. hot showers, blankets at night, my child’s soft snores, friends who love me as I am, God’s mercies every morning, VC family, ministires & opportunities to serve, modern conveniences – fridge, washer/dryer, blow dryers etc

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