Who is My Neighbor?

Who is My Neighbor?

Have you ever had the thought, “Who is my neighbor?” We often say that in the Christian world, but I’m not sure most of us think of our actual physical neighbors as our “neighbors.” (Those who live on our street or near our apartment.)

In my previous home, I will confess, I only knew the families living on both sides of our house.  I like to think I’ve gotten older and smarter with age and am happy to say that we know almost all of our neighbors where we live now. (We know the ones who want to be known anyway.)

Because of the Phoenix housing bust, we have a ton of new neighbors.  We hosted a neighborhood party last week and the feeling tone was great—after people got there that is.  I think no one wanted to be the first one there, so most arrived over a half hour late.  We were glad they came after a few minutes of wondering if anyone was showing up at all. (I think God would have liked the fact that we risked even if no one had shown up.) Then there was a lot of food and a lot of mingling!  (And a lot of mess from kids but that is part of the deal.) 

Here were some results:

The kids in the neighborhood are becoming better friends.

Everyone thanked us and wants to have another one soon.

One older man is helping a first time home owner figure out how to use his pool filter.

I overheard someone offering to look after someone else’s home when they were gone.

One man said he was bragging at work that he got invited over to a neighbor’s home.

I can’t prove it, but I think God was smiling.

Community is close to the heart of God.  I’m looking forward to seeing what will come out of this.

I encourage you to think through…”Who is my neighbor?”



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

One thought on “Who is My Neighbor?”

  1. Thanks for the encouragement…Joe and I have wanted to do something similar for our neighbors, but haven’t yet done it. What great results you witnessed!

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