Christmas Simplified

Don’t forget to simplify this Christmas!

This is a crazy season and like most people, I have a difficult time not getting caught up in it.

I’m trying to remind myself to slow down, relax and reflect on why we are celebrating in the first place.  It is all about Jesus, even though I can get caught up in Christmas cards, candy, cookies, lights, programs, buying gifts, Christmas parties, etc.

Here is something you can do right now…Slow down.  Inhale and exhale.

When the phone rings and you are very busy, inhale and exhale before you answer it.  (If you really have to answer it all that is)

Say “no” to some of those events you really don’t have to go to or that you are only going to so someone won’t be disappointed by you not attending.  (Unless, of coures, it is your child’s program. )

Buy your mashed potatoes at Cost-Co and don’t take time to peel.

Buy your pies for that matter.  Make cookies only if it makes you happy or if it is something you can do with your kids.

If it is a stress, skip sending out cards.

Use paper goods and throw them away on the 25th so you don’t have to do as many dishes.  (I apologize to greenness.)

The simple answer is this….focus on Jesus, His birth, and loving those around you.  May the Kingdom break in for you this season as you experience the simplicity of the gospel.




Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

One thought on “Christmas Simplified”

  1. Thora these are wise words! The decision to stop and enjoy Christmas is so important!!! To embrace the season of comfort and joy! Thank you for the reminder.

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