It all revolves around the King!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’ s not about you!”

Too often, we think things are about us.

Actually, it all revolves around the King (Jesus that is).

 I heard a talk on this topic years ago….the fact that everything revolves around the King.  I was thinking back on this the last couple of days.  Everything important really does revolve around the King.

 When life gets busy, we easily start to think things revolve around us…what people do to us, say to us, say about us, what we think they are saying, what they are not saying, and so on.  It is way too easy to get wrapped up in simply how things affect….us.

 In reality, all things should revolve around the King.  He is the one we should all be focusing on.  If we were all focusing on Him, we would be worrying less about how things were affecting us.  We would not think we were in the center of so much happening around us.  (Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s not about you.”)

 I’m asking God to help me remember it all revolves around Him!

 It’s not about me.





Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

One thought on “It all revolves around the King!”

  1. Thank you for the reminder. It isn’t about me, it is all about Him. Life is less stressful when we focus on Him.

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