The Dime Factor

It was 5 o’clock Monday morning and I had a desperate need for caffeine. I had a 12 hour day in front of me and I was less than excited. As I prepared to pay for my large coffee I realized I was short 10 cents. With frustration and a bit of a panic I searched for a dime in my purse. Found it! It was going to be a good day.


As I drove to work that morning I pondered how that dime set the mood for my day. It is true that old saying, “Life can turn on a dime”. We are living life and suddenly it happens! The dime factor! Life as we know it is going in one direction and then life turns; in an instant life changes and those changes can be good and bad. 


I think of the apostles who were living life when suddenly Jesus invites them to, “Come follow me”. Their lives changed in that moment. The Samaritan women who was doing her routine chores and getting the water for the day when she encounters Jesus and her life changed. I think of Paul on the road to Damascus suddenly blinded, helpless and humbled, the very values he lived by suddenly changed. I think of the events that have shaped my life and have changed me forever.


These interruptions no matter how good or difficult, no matter how painful or joyous, no matter how devastating or constructive these events can be, they are the catalyst that  produce something that is God inspired and Spirit breathed in us. I have learned that when these “dime factor” moments come my way I do these three things.


1.      Trust God with the interruption. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

2.      Whether the event is painful or joyous, uncertain or planned choose to look for God’s purpose rather than blame.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

3.      Embrace the truth that God loves you and decide to grow and be changed.  (Jeremiah 31:3-4a)


The next time you are faced with a “dime factor” opportunity take time to breath, reflect, and pray. You will find that these moments are worth so much more than dimes!




DaNetta Fernandez

2 thoughts on “The Dime Factor”

  1. This is so true DaNetta! I am one, who at times will have my whole day planned, family needs, work needs, pets needs and so forth, down to the minute. This doesn’t happen often mind you. When the ‘dime’ shows up at those times, I literally have to stop, and recalibrate my thinking to avoid being ‘annoyed’ by this ‘change.’ I literally have to tell my family, ‘give me a minute-I have to process this change, I had everything all figured out’. Most of the time I do remember to pray and ask the Lord to give me peace about it all. I much prefer the ‘dimes’ that make my day like yours with the coffee!

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