Seize the Day!

 Do you remember that song a few years ago, which went something like, “Seize the day.  Seize whatever you can.  Life slips away just like hourglass sand.”

 I really liked that song.  I still do as a matter of fact, and the older I get, the more true that song seems.

 Let me ask you…..”Are you seizing today and making the most of it?”

Sometimes I let little things (whining by my daughter for instance) drag me off track and then I start moping myself.  I’ve come to realize that to “seize the day,” is a choice.  I remember looking back on one particular event and realizing I could have chosen to enjoy the event, if I had chosen to “seize the day” and not to focus on what was going wrong.

 We have numerous choices to make through the course of any given day, and one particularly important choice, is the choice of how we will act and react to the things which come our way.  Some days I feel like I do a pretty good job and other days…….not so well.  One thing which helps me, is to choose ahead of time that I am going to make the best of what comes my way.  (Ok, some days I still bomb, but some days this resolve is immensely helpful.)

 I want to encourage you to “Seize the day!”  Make the most of it!  Choose ahead of time to focus on God’s goodness.

 D. H. Lawerence said, “Life is ours to be spent, not saved.”  I want to spend my life while choosing to enjoy it and make the most of it.

 I want God to fill my life and soul with wonder.  We never know when and where God will invade our lives and what opportunities we will have to seize the moment.  God can show up anytime, anywhere and at any moment.

 God, fill us with holy anticipation!

 Blessings to you as you seize both the ordinary and the spectacular moments of your day!


Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

3 thoughts on “Seize the Day!”

  1. Thank you for the great reminder. I too allow the little things (especially the actions of others) to affect my outlook. I need to seize the wonder and beauty in this day.

  2. Yes, this is so important. It is hard not to focus on past mistakes or future concerns, but to approach each day with a “what does the Lord want from me on THIS day” outlook. Thanks!

  3. I like the idea of “choosing ahead of time to make the most of whatever comes my way.” My attitude needs that kind of reminder all the time!

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