God Always Keeps His Promises

A broken promise can be devastating.  Someone promised to be faithful to you – but they aren’t.  Someone promises to pay you back – but they don’t. Someone promised to stop a sinful habit – but it continues.

 Unfortunately instead of being an unbreakable covenant from one person to another, a promise is more like a temporary commitment, until something easier or more attractive comes along – or until our willpower eases and selfish desired assume control.

 It would be easy, and somewhat satisfying, to list everyone who has broken a promise to me.  But to be honest, I’ve broken my share too.  There’s only One whose word is faultless, whose character is faithful and who keeps every promise, and that’s God.

This past week at Christmas, we celebrates the wonderful fulfillment of God’s promise to His beloved people:  the birth of Jesus.  We know that the Israelites had been waiting many years for a Messiah.  Although it wasn’t in the Israelite’s timing, God faithfully kept His promise.

 Today God still keeps His promises to us.  While those around us may disappoint, God never does.  This is the definition of faith:  choosing to believe what God says is true, and that He’ll do, what He says He’ll do.

 Here are a few we can believe in today:

We are not alone.  Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-17) who will be our comforter and teach us truth.

Jesus loves us and comes to live in us.  (John 14:18-21)

Jesus is preparing a place for us to live with Him forever. (John 14:1-4)

God will never change.  (Malachi 3:6)

We are safe in the care of Jesus.  (John 10:27-29)

 God will provide financial blessings when we tithe.  (Malachi 3:10)

 Nothing can stop Jesus from loving us.  (Romans 8:38-39)

Many of us have had a very difficult year, and wonder if the coming New Year will be any better.  In difficult times, it’s easy to doubt that God’s promises are true.  We may think God has forgotten about us or that His promises apply only to “good” Christians.  But the truth about God is that His promises stand firm for those who love Him.  God’s promises aren’t based on our emotional status at any given moment.

Second Corinthians 1:20 reminds us that God loves to keep His promises and has given us Jesus as proof.  That scripture says, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.” 

This week between Christmas and New Year, let’s remember the promises of God and His unchanging character as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Let a resounding “Amen” sound across the land as we bring glory to God through our lives and faith.

In His Love,



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