“You Really Just Don’t Understand!”

Effective communication will take work.

Have you ever given someone a compliment and they thought you were making fun of them? I have.

I have read there are six levels of communication. This is one reason why communication is often difficult: when two people talk, six possible messages get through.

1. What you mean to say
2. What you actually say
3. What the other person hears
4. What the other person thinks he hears
5. What the other person says about what you said
6. What you think the other person said about what you said

That is a lot to think about. Effective communication will take work.

This quote can pretty much sum up communication: “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure what you heard is what I meant.”

Here is the point: You cannot, not communicate. Everything you do and don’t say, communicates something.

As we are yearning for intimacy in our relationships, we must keep remembering that we were made for relationship. Even God exists in relationship. Choose to press through tough relational times in order to experience the richness of long-term relationships! I think you’ll be glad you did.

Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

One thought on ““You Really Just Don’t Understand!””

  1. Wow, Thora,
    That was good. I am reading this WAY late. But, I’m trusting that God is bringing it in His perfect timing. The interesting thing is, if asked, Id have told you that I already knew that. Yet, like scripture, it seems as though I really need to apply it because it was written just for me in “fresh ink”. So, Thank you. Especially for tying it it up with the last two paragraphs, (like a bow on a great gift!)
    God Bless you,

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