A Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On

I’m a bit of a nut when it comes to routine. I absolutely loathe change. Some would call me dull and boring, but I reign in that arena and dull and boring works for me. Because I’m the queen of routine, I was a bit concerned when back in late December I felt God impressing upon me that my word for 2015 would be “unshakeable.” The companion Scripture for my forewarned unshakeable demeanor was Psalm 16:8: “I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.”

I remember thinking all those months ago, “Ugh, can I please have a different word, Lord!”

I’m smart enough to know that if God was asking me to remain unshakeable then things were about to be shook up!

The New Year dawned and the start of 2015 was relatively calm and peaceful; but the winds of change blew in starting February 2nd and my emotional, spiritual, financial and physical world experienced an earthquake of epic proportions that was alarmingly high on my personal Richter scale.

Life turned so quickly that I barely had time to heed God’s “unshakeable” warning. And that Scripture in Psalms – I couldn’t have located that in my spirit with a GPS locator or a Mapquest App if I wanted to.

It was right smack in the middle of my storm when I was knee deep in packing boxes preparing for a very sudden and unexpected move from the “dream home” my family had lived in for the past 11 years that I felt that nudging of God’s Holy Spirit. “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for he is right beside me.”

Oh yeah – I was supposed to be “unshakeable” this year! How quickly I’d forgotten! Nearly a third of the year has come and gone and I am failing miserably in my unshakeable mandate. These past three months have reduced me to daily panic attacks, tears and tantrums. Hardly the “unshakeable” attitude God was asking of me.

I know for a fact that the next six months are guaranteed to find me out of my comfort zone, living in a place not of my choosing. I can continue in my tears and tantrums (because that’s worked so well!) OR I can remember that no matter what happens to me — or to ANY OF US – the Lord is always with us (me). I will not be shaken for he is right beside me.

Life has no guarantees. It can be messy, unpredictable and fraught with ups and downs. How we deal with the unpredictability is up to us. We’re not called to be comfortable — but obedient. We can let life shake us or with God’s help we can be unshakeable. Either way, history has shown us that there is always going to be a “whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on.”

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy K.

Author: Kathy Kurlin

I am a wife, mother, grandmother and published author of three books. My true passion is to share the Gospel through the written word. I may not be a Pulitzer Prize winning author, but God tells us to be faithful with "little things," ... so at my Lord's pleasure ... I use my "little writing gift" to write for Him.

2 thoughts on “A Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On”

  1. Oh, Kathy! You had me both almost in tears and laughing so hard! Bless you sister for sharing your insights with us. They’re always so good!

  2. You have been so transparent & honest–thank you. I’m in a small songwriting group. An article sent to us was from Dan Wilt about reasons lament & praise must stand together in worship. It talks about how lament & praise are in most of the psalms, & in the reality of life–the now & the not yet. It echoed your writing to me.

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