Remembered Thanks

November is the month of Thanksgiving. (Yes, it’s almost here AGAIN!) On Facebook many of my friends are writing daily posts about the things they are thankful for.  It goes without saying that most of […]

Business As Usual …

It started like any other day. It was business as usual as people rushed to work, to school, to appointments and meetings. There was nothing much to alert the world that things were about to […]


My toddler granddaughter has finally reached the age where she will sit and watch an entire movie with me. Last week, we must have watched the new Disney movie called Luca about four times. (Be […]


An artist, whether well-known and famous or struggling in unknown obscurity, typically signs their completed works of art with their personal signature. Writers autograph their books. Glass blowers, woodworkers, sculptors, whatever the artistic medium – […]

Little BIG Prayers

The other day I was walking my dog, talking to God and enjoying the lovely morning when I had an “AH-HA” moment. I was suddenly aware that my new shoes felt fabulous on my feet. […]

Taste and See

Isn’t it amazing that a truly inspiring testimony is oftentimes borne out of life’s most difficult tests? For most of my life (dating back to early childhood) I’ve been in and out of control with […]

Send In The Bears!

Have you ever been reading your Bible and suddenly a sentence jumps out at you that you never noticed before? This seems to happen to me more than I care to admit. Perhaps it’s because […]

20 Reasons Why

Most days I greet the morning with my two favorite Scriptures: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 AND This is the day the Lord has made. […]

Win Some – Lose Some – Save Some

By the time this blog is posted – the election will be over. Can I get a BIG AMEN! When I composed these words and scheduled them to post, it was a full two weeks […]

HE > i

Things are crazy in our world these days. Just when you think things can’t possibly get any crazier … they do. Many would have us believe that we are officially living in the end times. […]