Reading through the Old Testament recently, I noticed there are a number of repeating patterns whenever a new king was appointed. A king’s reign was defined as either, “He did what was pleasing in the […]
Living Small
I watched a documentary called “Tiny Living” on Netflix the other day; it stirred me. From the film: “We are encouraged as a culture to consume more, to have more, to feel better about ourselves […]
Course Correction
There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death. –Proverbs 14:12 (NLT) A battleship appeared to be on a collision course with another ship one foggy evening. The battleship’s […]
What’s Your Sauce?
It’s true that the older you get, the faster time flies. It tickles me to think that I’ve lived to an age that now allows me say things to my grandson like, “I remember what […]
It’s In The Blood
About 7 years ago when I was in college and living in NY I would ride the subway to school. It was about an hour train ride in and an hour train ride back. Reading […]
Cary Grant style humility
I recently read the following about Cary Grant. (in an article by Jim Burns) I was pretty impressed. If you are under 50 years of age, you may not remember Cary Grant. He was an […]
The other day, I had plans. I had my two kids and now that it’s summer, I’ve been trying to plan our days out because my 4 year old is out of preschool. But it […]
Two Sins
I think God has been trying to get my attention. To be honest it’s not that I’ve been avoiding Him or thoughtlessly forgetting Him. On the contrary I think of Him all the time, longing […]
Becoming Myself
Soren Kierkegaard said, “Now with God’s help, I will become myself.” That means I become who God intended me to be—not who the world “squishes” me to be. The measure of a woman’s value does […]
Kingdom Happy
This past weekend my family and I took a short mini-vacation to the Magic Kingdom – Disneyland. Disneyland has been billed as the happiest place on Earth –which is entirely debatable if you’re a young […]