The Great Pumpkin Carver

It’s baaaaaaack! It’s that time of year when PUMPKIN SPICE is now available to consume in EVERYTHING! Including, but not limited to, coffees, creamers, teas, biscuits, muffins, cakes, pancakes and even potato chips. Pumpkins themselves […]

The REAL Deal?

I recently heard a podcast by Rick Warren in which he posed the question: If being a Christian was suddenly outlawed – would there be enough evidence to convict you?” This probing question reminded me […]


Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. ~ Leo Buscaglia A couple of weeks ago, I watched a video of a street performer mesmerizing […]

REALITY Christianity

“You have never truly found Jesus If you do not tell others about Him.” ~Charles H. Spurgeon Last week I read an article about a reality TV dating show with numerous bachelors vying for a […]

Pothole Prayers

It’s something we’ve all likely encountered at one time or another. Maybe even something that’s caused you a bit of grief, time or money if you met it head on. I’m talking about potholes. One […]

That’s Not Normal!

Sometimes you have to laugh at God’s timing and sense of humor. Last week on my way into church to meet my husband for Saturday night services, I was stopped by a woman at the […]


A common practice during natural childbirth is Lamaze breathing. A nurse or birthing coach encourages the laboring mom to breathe through the pain. Speaking from my own personal experience with three natural births – breathing […]


After the first of the year, Pastor Brian did a series entitled “Thrive.” At the end of the series final week we were given, “God, Use Me” cards as reminders to be willing to be […]

Training 101

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3 (NLT) Since I posted my last blog, my granddaughter celebrated her first birthday. A few weeks before her big celebration, […]

Ready for the “Just In Case”

Here it is again … the start of another New Year. Where does the time go? It seems as though just yesterday we were all freaking out about Y2k. How is it possible that nearly […]