This Beautiful Day

Thank you Lord for this day.

Thank you Lord for joy, laughter, silliness and release this day.

Thank you Lord for mercy, healing, breath and dreams this day.

Thank you Lord for grace, insight, kindness and prayer this day.

Thank you Lord for wisdom, knowledge, inspiration and truth this day.

Thank you for forgiveness, pardon, tears and blood this day.

Thank you Lord for faith, confidence, perseverance and steadfastness this day.

Thank you Lord for enough strength in the challenges of this day.

Thank you Lord for enough love in the midst of hatred this day.

Thank you Lord for enough hope in the heartbreak and disappointments of this day.

Thank you Lord for enough peace in the turmoil surrounding me this day.

Thank you Lord for the gift of this day.

 ”This is the day the LORD has made. 
We will rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24
From my heart to yours, 

Author: DaNetta Fernandez

I'm a woman who loves God, married to my best friend Mario. I believe life is a gift and should be lived with purpose. I am a mother, a Nana and an auntie. I love travel, audio books, hiking, cooking, baking, movies and just having fun!!!

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