So I’ve been in a season of rest…
Jesus’ invitation to the disciples is also extended to us when He says in Mark 6:31,
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
A season of rest is when we cease from the struggle. When we give space for the Holy Spirit to speak and stop planning trying to figure it out and we just listen remaining in that attitude as God works. Instead of doing, being. Remembering who our care comes from and the source of our strength.
I love the poetic description found in Isaiah 40:31 that says,
“Yet, the strength of those who wait with hope in the LORD will be renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and won’t become weary. They will walk and won’t grow tired.”
Resting is like looking in one of those magnified mirrors. The wrinkles from the smiles and tears show, the little scars from adventures are seen, they reveal much about our life and rest reveals much about our walk with God. With each season of rest we grow in understanding of what it is to rest in the Lord and that means our faith and trust in the Lord, our confidence in God deepens. When I was in Bible College, one of my professors would say, “Nothing is shaken in God that is not meant to go deeper.” When we are resting in God, coming away with Him, catching our breath, spending time at His feet it exposes who we are relying upon.
Seasons change but God never changes. The beauty and pain of each season of our lives is used by the master potter to shape us into the woman of God He has called us to be. (Isaiah 64:8)
When it is your time to rest, my prayer for you is simply, rest well my friend.
From my heart to yours,