Greetings! Welcome!

Welcome to the inaugural post on the Vineyard Women’s blog.  In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be exploring topics of interest to the women at Vineyard North Phoenix.  You’ll be hearing from some of the leaders here in women’s ministry.  Our hope is to help inspire you to live out your faith in your daily life by reading excerpts from other ordinary women who are spurred on by an extraordinary God.  (Women just like you)


We all know women have unique challenges.  Not only do many of us hold down a job, but then we manage a house, care for a family and volunteer at church.  Plus, many care for other family members, reach out to the community, and somehow find the time to bring cookies to a child’s school party.    Whew!  Life is tiring.  When it’s all said and done, there seems to be not much time to invest in ourselves – our spiritual, emotional and physical needs.


On the Vineyard Women’s blog, we hope to encourage you and connect with you.  In just a few minutes a week, it’s our prayer that you’ll be inspired in some aspect of your life, and that you’ll get to know some other women here at the Vineyard. 


Take the time to reply to our posts, visit each other’s blogs, and post encouraging notes yourself.  This is just one way we are building a community of women who love Jesus and love each other here in Glendale, Arizona.


Before you leave, go to the “subscribe” button and enter your email address.  That way we can let you know when a new post has been made.


I will leave you with this quote:


“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”  Helen Keller

(I hope to remember this the next time I am in Trader Joes with my children, who both have their own small shopping cart. J ) 


Thora Anderson





Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on “Greetings! Welcome!”

  1. What a great idea! It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know more about one another and to meet new people.


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