What Business Are You In?

Construction or Demolition?

Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life. –Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

Recently, I saw the video of an old building being demolished. It was the kind of demolition where a team of experts strategically place explosives and set them off in a quick series of explosions. The structure collapsed on itself in a matter of seconds. I imagine you’ve also seen videos of buildings being destroyed in a similar way. What I find quite amazing is that these buildings take months or even years to plan and build and yet it only takes a moment to destroy them.

These video scenes remind me that our words can also have the ability to build or destroy. By the use of our words we can either be in the “construction” or “demolition” business. With our words, we can build others up, or tear them down. It only takes a moment — using strategically placed verbal explosions — and we can basically destroy others.  Words spoken too quickly can be deadly.

Obviously, God calls His people to be in the “construction” business. With careful planning, patience, and intentional forethought, each of us has the opportunity, through our words, to encourage and build up others so they can fulfill the potential of becoming all that God designed them to be.

I think God is in the business of words which build up.

So, which business are you in: construction or demolition? Building Up or tearing down? The words we use with others will reflect our choice.

Think of a person in your life who is in need of building up by your encouragement. Commit to speaking thoughts that build up in the next few days.




Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on “What Business Are You In?”

  1. This is such a good analogy Thora.

    The negative words have such an immediate and emotionally destructive effect.

    Often it takes many good and positive words to build a person back up.

  2. This is a great reminder. We all have the ability to choose our words before we speak. Encouraging words are always the better route.

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