Worshipping God in the Midst of Life

I’ve come to believe we must choose to worship God in the midst of life. (even though life feels crazy at times)

Personal times of worship bless God and refresh us.  When I’m worshipping, life just looks better to me.

Worship means we give God our best. (whatever it is at that moment)

How we live our lives is actually an act of worship to God.  Brushing your teeth is an act of worship if you brush to the glory of God.

Now, I do want to give God my best…

However, sometimes my best doesn’t seem that great. I’m tired.  My kids are tired and cranky, and I don’t always respond with a gentle voice.  I wish I could say I always did.  We got a puppy and I am frustrated with the mess of it all.  Yet, I must choose to worship the only One worth being worshipped…the One who created puppies who make messes.

I recently went to Missouri to help take care of my Mom who is having severe health problems.  It is so difficult to see her this way.  Yet, I know, that serving her is an act of worship to God. (even if what I want to see happening is not happening)

Worship means we give God what we have.  Some days will be different from others.  Some days we get to give God great joy.   Some days we worship God in pain or sorrow.

John 15:5 says, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

If it is true that we become like the company we keep, there is no better company to keep than God Himself.

What we focus on, we become more like.

Sometimes, my focus get blurry.  I need to guard my time with God and choose to worship in the midst of life.  There is no perfect time.  There is no perfect season.  There will never be a season where things are not busy or messy.

Choose to worship in the midst of life.



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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