Supernatural Exchange
At our Women’s conference, one thing that stuck with me was the phrase Brenda Gatlin used, “Supernatural Exchange.” I had not heard this language before.
This means, in a nutshell, we get to exchange all of our junk for more of God’s goodness.
We give our worry and exchange it for peace.
We give our anxiety and we get rest.
We give our negativity, and we get more of God’s goodness.
We give our stress, and we get relief.
We give our sin, and we exchange it for forgiveness.
We give our addictions and exchange them for supernatural grace.
We give our mess ups, and exchange them for a new day.
This is a supernatural exchange and God is the only one who has the power to make a supernatural exchange. No one else can do that for us.
Ophra can’t do it. Dr. Phil can’t do it. Dr. Oz can’t do it. Our spouse and friends can’t do it.
Only God has the ability to make a supernatual exchange.
Bet you want to make an exchange right about now!
Great Blog, Thora! Love it! 🙂