Get Ready and Pray!

I learned one of my favorite sayings in my early 20’s while defending a point of view when my friend and mentor said, “Opinions are like armpits, we all have them and they all stink!” I was convinced my opinion was absolute truth and my way was best and better. I’ve learned a few things since then!
“For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk;

it is living by God’s power.” 1 Cor. 4:20

The year 2020 brought many opinions, some harsh and hurtful others sarcastic and pointed. Opinions ended friendships, split churches and divided families. Many of these opinions were often expressed as “absolute gospel truth”!  The only absolute truths for a Christian are God and His Word are eternal and unchangingWe cannot confuse opinions with truth! Opinions get caught up in the side issues of life like politics, rituals, and even serving and opinions can bring division. Yes of course there are truths in the word of God that draw lines in the sand and everyone can have their own perspective about things; but we humans so easily veer off track forgetting our primary mission as Christians which is simply this:
1. Preach the Gospel
2. Make disciples and baptize
3. Teach the word of God
4. Love God and our Neighbor
"We are remembered by our love not our opinions." Bob Goff 
We need to Get Ready and pray, prepare for this season women of God! To guard our mouth and our opinions, our social media posts and to protect our hearts.  Ladies we can make a difference!!  I encourage all of us to remember, “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.” 1 Cor. 4:20. It is so much easier to live in opinions than in power! It does not require discipline or sacrifice to be opinionated. It requires relationship, devotion, God’s truth  and the fruit of the Holy Spirit to walk in power. Begin praying now for your words that carry such power to not be a lot of talk (opinions) but that our lives would display the power of God.
From my heart to yours,


Author: DaNetta Fernandez

I'm a woman who loves God, married to my best friend Mario. I believe life is a gift and should be lived with purpose. I am a mother, a Nana and an auntie. I love travel, audio books, hiking, cooking, baking, movies and just having fun!!!

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