Keep Trying/Sigue Tratando -Bilingual

Are there areas of your life that Jesus is asking you to give to God’s Kingdom, but you are having a hard time letting go? Habits, feelings, relationships, possessions, time, gifts, etc. Sadly, I do have a few.

There is a story of a rich man who was not ready to let go of his treasure. It was part of his life, so he had a hard time giving it up.

He acted like most of us act in many areas of our life, right? But one thing that pierces my heart and motivates me to keep trying to give those areas to Jesus is the following verse:

Mark 10:21a (NIV) Jesus LOOKED at him and LOVED him.

Wow! Even when this man was not yet ready to give that area of his life to Jesus’ Kingdom, Jesus LOVED him.

Can you see this? Jesus LOOKS at you and LOVES you even if you are having a hard time giving whatever it is Jesus asked you to give to His Kingdom. Jesus LOOKS at you and LOVES you!

I hope this motivates you, too, to keep trying to give those areas of your life to Jesús!


¿Hay áreas de tu vida que Jesús te pide que se las des a Su Reino, pero tienes dificultades para dárselas? Hábitos, sentimientos, relaciones, posesiones, tiempo, dones, etc. Lamentablemente, tengo algunas.

Hay una historia de un hombre rico que no estaba listo para dar su tesoro. Eso era parte de su vida, por lo que le costó mucho renunciar a él.

Él actuó como la mayoría de nosotros actuamos en muchas áreas de nuestra vida ¿verdad? Pero, una cosa que toca muy fuerte mi corazón y me motiva a seguir tratando de darle esas áreas a Jesús es el siguiente versículo:

Marcos 10:21a (RV)  Jesús, MIRANDOLE, le AMÓ.

¡Guau! Incluso aun cuando este hombre no estaba listo para dar esa área de su vida al Reino de Jesús, Jesús lo AMÓ.

¿Puedes ver lo que significa? Jesús te MIRA y te AMA inclusive si tienes dificultades para darle lo que sea que Él te está pidiendo que le des a Su Reino. ¡Jesús te MIRA y te AMA!

¡Espero que esto también a ti te motive a seguir tratando de darle esa(s) área(s)de tu vida a Jesús!


One thought on “Keep Trying/Sigue Tratando -Bilingual”

  1. A convicting message! It’s tough for me to let go of things in my life. Grateful for God’s grace as I grow.

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