Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. –Philippians 1:6
A story is told about a factory burning down that was owned and managed by the great inventor Thomas Edison. It happened December 9, 1914. As the factory burned, great geysers of green flame, fueled by laboratory chemicals, shot into the air. Fire departments from eight towns rushed to the scene, but the building was all but leveled. Much of Edison’s hard work was destroyed in the process. Many friends and well-wishers, expecting Edison to be devastated, sent messages of condolence and support. To one he replied, “I am 67; but I am not too old to make a fresh start.” You’ve got to love Edison! Edison did not give up, but he pivoted into his new situation. In about three weeks the Edison factories were restored to some semblance of order. And not long after that, they were running at two shifts. The speed of the recovery, one observer said, was almost as spectacular as the disaster. Could it be that Edison’s bold words might reflect the desire of your heart–to make a fresh start? To Pivot? Your life’s work probably has not been destroyed by fire, but possibly the time during Covid has shown you it is time for a change. Possibly during this time, you’ve seen harmful habits, behaviors, and attitudes that have kept you from being the woman of God you desire to become. Whatever the case, a fresh start sounds attractive to you. God is calling you to a life more abundant that the one you’re experiencing right now. It doesn’t matter what age you are or how long you’ve been a Christian; fresh starts are for everybody. You can start over! The bad news is that most people give up or settle for second best. Don’t quit. Don’t let that be you. You can pivot into something new. Remember, God is committed to carrying on the work He has started in you! There is unlimited grace, mercy, forgiveness, healing, and newness of life for anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord. So, keep pressing on in the journey to which God has called you. Pivot into a fresh start. Blessings, Thora |