Do Your Part Toward Peace!

Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.
Romans 12:18

I’m glad the Bible says to live in peace with everyone, “as much as possible.”  Sometimes it simply is not!  However, we can’t use that as an excuse.  Sometimes, like now in 2020, we need to ask ourselves, “Have I really done my part to make peace possible in my relationships?”  The Scripture does say, “Do your part.”  Did I take the high road?  Did I only say what was true, kind, and necessary?  Did I keep my temper intact on social media?  Did I ask for forgiveness if necessary?  Have I asked God if there is anything in my heart I need to hand over to Him?

Once I have done the things that only I can do, and honestly can think of nothing else to try, then I can rest, and pray, and wait for God to intervene.

Something  we cannot change, is that part of being at peace depends on the other person!  Sometimes an offended or hostile friend or adversary will reject my overtures and throw my best efforts back in my face.  But I must remember that I am responsible only for my attitude—not for his or hers.  I must seek to live in peace with “everyone.”  If only Paul had said “most everyone,” or “some people,” or “your friends and other people you like,” or “the people who like you”—but He didn’t.  Peace will always require all my effort!  (especially in 2020)

Don’t forget, Paul does say “as much as possible.” If I’ve done everything I can, and  if reconciliation is not possible,  God knows—so I can stop blaming myself and rest in the knowledge that I have done my part!

Lord, I need Your help to love people like You love me. Bring to mind anything I need to do to have peace with the people in my life.  Remind me when my angry emotions or hurts flair up that I am responsible for my attitude – not anyone else’s.  As far as it depends on me, help me to live at peace.



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

One thought on “Do Your Part Toward Peace!”

  1. I love this message and lesson from Romans, Thora! I have read it and re-read it. Thank you for sharing.

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