Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. ~ Leo Buscaglia
A couple of weeks ago, I watched a video of a street performer mesmerizing onlookers with an 18” marionette. The puppet was an exact replica of a human skeleton. The puppeteer appeared to have magic in his fingertips the way he made this little skeleton dance effortlessly to the tunes of Twist and Shout. The short video transported me to a street stage. I was completely in awe of the moves of this dancing skeleton.
After watching the fun video, I started thinking about how God truly does give each of us unique, individual talents. Some of the gifts God blesses his people with, may at times not seem like a genuine gift at all. I have a friend who has the ability to hug you and make you feel important and wholly loved. I have another friend who is the queen of encouragement. And yet another friend who has an outstanding gift of prayer. These may seem like insignificant gifts, but are actually priceless talents that not everyone can duplicate.
Sometimes we make it really easy for the enemy to convince us our talent is inconsequential. Regardless of whatever talents God has given us, the devil sends out his minions with explicit instructions to make us feel unimportant, as though we are completely useless in the body of Christ.
EVERY gift matters in the Kingdom of God.
When you discover what your God-given talent is and you use that gift to honor God, it fulfills your soul, making you feel whole and complete. It’s a high like no other.
Our Lord weaves us together with our individual gifts and talents into a beautiful tapestry of humanity. None of us are whole without the other – much the same way a jigsaw puzzle is incomplete if it’s missing one small piece. If even one of God’s children fail to use their “God-given” gift to glorify Him and advance His Kingdom – the tapestry is incomplete. The puzzle unfinished. The Kingdom suffers.
You may feel as though you have no special skills or talents. Ask yourself – what is the ONE thing I love to do that fills me with joy? If you don’t have an answer – ask God to show you. Once you discover your gift, practice it. Hone it. Use it until it becomes as simple as breathing and then – give it back to God as an offering to glorify Him. I promise, you won’t regret it.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Blessings in Christ, Kathy K.