My brother and I are 1st generation born and raised in the U.S., both parents had and maintained their birth languages, though fluent and successful in English. Some things go through a translation and get lost there.
I am quite certain my brother and I did many things my mother never did as a child.
One morning, in our 1st house in Tempe, we had one bathroom, it was a very small place (I didn’t know that then). My brother had been out playing in the irrigation at the school yard, upon which he discovered these little creatures; we now know as crawdads or crawfish. He decided to bucket them and bring them home. He must’ve made several trips, I was unaware ( he was 6 years old, and I was 8 ), apparently the bathtub was the best place for them. My mother walked in (we always had to “close the door” and “” rules of the house) and found these creatures in dirty water ‘stinking’ in the tub. I heard her scream and came to see, suddenly I realized what my brother was doing with the bucket. My mother shut the door quickly! By this time my brother is coming with another batch. She ordered us to stay out of the bathroom. My mom said she had to call our Dad, “this is such a stinky place, I cannot believe it. “ She reaches my Dad at work, she is shaking, she is so disgusted and concerned. We do not know her thoughts at this time till we hear her on the phone. My Mom is telling my Dad that the plumbing has backed up and there are crabs and filthy water backing up into the tub. Apparently, my father is trying to calm my mom down, but she is refusing and wanting him to come home right away and to call the owner! Finally, we hear her say; “why should I ask the children? I am asking you, I don’t want them in there.” She is now upset with him, but agrees to ask us. No problem. My brother shows my mom the bucket, full of the creatures she is upset about, and informs her they are his pets. Well, needless to say the landlord was not called, my mother was now mad at us all, including my dad for laughing. My brother had to take them all back where he found them and then would have to clean the tub, entire bathroom, and path to there. He was not happy for he liked his pets, but he did as he was told.
A few months ago, I was in an information line at a museum, where there were 3 people assisting behind the counter. As I entered the area, there were several people scattered in what resembled a group line, so I asked where the end was and stood there. As my turn approached another lady went to the counter. I was confused and caught myself as I interpreted her actions as taking my place in line. I realized then that she was standing off to the side (which I did not pay attention to earlier, just noticed), and thought maybe she was doing something else, but now realized she was in her own line, which makes sense if you take another view. Why not pick the shorter line? There was no sign, and what seemed “normal” to me does not define “normal”.
I heard in my heart ‘give way’, and I did. At the same time, the person behind me made a comment about what had just taken place. I said “ well, it is not clearly defined, it’s just a misunderstanding, I am ok with that.” At that moment the person who had gone ahead spoke up, and said she was in line and she addressed me about what I said to her. I felt bad, and conflicted. At one moment, I wanted to defend myself, but I knew to give way. So I told her I understood. “I am sorry, I have offended you, please forgive me, it was not my intention.“ She told me yes, I did offend her. Again, I apologized and asked for forgiveness. She was a bit flustered but said, “well, ok” I said “thank you.”
Here I was thinking when my heart heard “give way” that it meant to say and think nothing of someone going ahead, but later I realized how the Lord had prepared my heart and how to respond to this person in love. I am so grateful, for this was opportunity to walk in the Spirit aloud. I am not that good on my own.
What will become of it? I have no idea, but it was an honest transaction in an everyday moment, a busier one maybe, but I pray, when this is repeated from other points of views, that the Lord’s way will take seed in the hearts of the hearer. And during this season that we will give way as ordinary people becoming extraordinary followers of Jesus.
Isaiah 30:21 NIV
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying “This is the way; walk in it. “
~Ayse Miller Bol